Admin panel template free download bootstrap 4 responsive(ArchitectUI Dashboard react Free)

ArchitectUI Dashboard Free

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ArchitectUI Dashboard Free is lightweight and comes packed with the minimal set of components to get you started. If you have a simple application, it’s the perfect solution for you. It’s built on top of Bootstrap 4.2.1 and features a scalable architecture just like it’s wiser, older sibling – ArchitectUI HTML Pro theme.
Both PRO and Free versions come with the ability to change their header and sidebar background color and style.
This theme can be downloaded for free from either our website or from the public Github repository.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

  • Multiple Layouts

Each of our themes come bundled with at least 3 different layouts arrangements. For example, ArchitectUI HTML Dashboard Free includes a sample Mailbox, FAQ Page and Chat dummy applications.

  • 200+ Customized Components

We've included enough elements, widgets and components to cover almost all use cases for personal projects or clients apps. We continually adding new features and elements to our themes.

  • Scalable Assets Architecture
Assets are logically split between NPM packages and local resources. SCSS file makes it easy to include/exclude stylesheets or customize the look and feel from a single global point.

  • Easy Layout Modifiers
Want to make, for example, the sidebar or header always fixed on screen? Easy, add the fixed-header parameter and voila. It's all explained in the documentation files. These options are available for all layout main components.

  1. ArchitectUI HTML Dashboard Free is available on a Github repository for everyone.
  2. If you have a quick question, you can join the ArchitectUI HTML Dashboard Free Slack channel.
  3. Submit issues, questions, or support requests in our ArchitectUI HTML Dashboard Free support forum.

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